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Re: [DL] Re: Atrocity Prone PCs

--- carl smith <fishhook79@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I like this idea that they must cooperate.  Does the DL Think Tank
> want to expand on this idea in conversation?
> Carl Smith

Well, so far I like all of the suggestions. Do them all. The newspapers
are going to be looking for whatever news and/or sensationalism they
can. You said this is somewhere else than Dodge, is it still in a
disputed Territory? If so, depending on how widespread this news gets,
the Ranger messed up big time. Anti-confederacy and anti-ranger folks
will probably get the gumption to come out of the woodwork. Depeding on
their flare up and what year you're playing in, the Union could use it
for a reason to push a military action into the area, securing the
state one way or another. You could have the word of Evil Indian magic
spread pretty far too. Oklahoma isn't too far away and folks there may
get nervous enough about this news to start chipping away at the Coyote
Confederacy. All this hubbub could drive business away from the town. 

Go nuts with it. This is what Deadlands is about IMO. I consider my job
as the Marshal is to advance the agenda of the Reckoners. This is like
a tasty, tasty meal. I think the important thing to convey to the party
is that no matter what they think of their actions, they have been
interpreted by the people and thus by the baddies of the world as evil
actions. The Ranger and MIB should understand that fear feeds the bad
guys. If they cause fear, even in the most best intentioned or
unintentional way, they are not solving the problem but feeding it. The
idea of cracking a few eggs to make an omlet doesn't work in stopping
fear. I think that may be the most important idea to drive home.


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