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Re: [DL] [MARSHALS] Getting the posse together& speeding up combat

  I once started a D&D campaign with each character
finding a note on their pillow saying to meet them at
a wharehouse at 9:00.  This did two things, it brought
the party together and it made them wonder how someone
could sneak into their rooms and leave this note
without disturbing them.
  The players didn't know that this was a minion of a
powerful vampire lord and that the mission they where
about to go on would free him.  It took them about a
year and a half of real time to finally capture the
evil they unleashed.

> My players have made characters with very rich, but
> very diverse,
> backgrounds. I've been in parties before where the
> GM has forced the
> character histories to cross, and contrives some way
> for the characters to
> already be working together. It works, but it's not
> what I want to do with
> my posse. So far I have a British Bio-Mechanical Mad
> Scientist bent on
> "perfecting the human condition", a Gunslinger of
> the "I've been framed for
> my parents murder and now I'm after the real killer"
> variety, a
> stereotypical drinkin' whorin' smokin' ornery
> gunslinger, a Huckster of the
> "I wanna be a huckster 'cause spellcasters are cool"
> variety (don't expect
> to much role-playing depth from this one), and a
> Saloon Gal who's not bad
> with a gun, but uses seduction and persuasion to get
> men to do her bidding.
> There may be one more player, but that's an unknown
> at the moment.
> I need some way to get these players together and
> working for a "Mysterious
> Character" without contriving it or pulling
> something like, "You're sitting
> at the bar when you notice a guy walk in with a
> flashing light over his head
> that says, 'I'm a Player Character too, work with
> me.'" Any good ideas? I
> don't want to use any adventures from the books,
> because I have very avid
> readers in my party, and they can't seem to resist
> reading things they
> shouldn't. I know kind of what I want to do with the
> Mysterious Character,
> but I want to use an intermediary to start with.
> Eventually I want to build
> them up to an "Oh crud, we're in way over our
> heads," sort of moment, but
> I'm drawing a total blank on the hook. Any ideas?

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