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Re: [HoE] Re: Deadlands '98

John Higginbotham wrote:

>         And yes, the current president of the CSA is one scandal ridden
> fellow by the name of William. Anyone have any recommendations for who
> should be President of the USA in the alternate timeline?


It depends on whether or not you want a liberal in power in the North or
a Conservative.

Liberal:  Personally, I am fond of Joe Kennedy for President rather than
Ted (If you don't know him, keep an eye out -- romor was he was poised
to run for governor on his way at a shot for the White House).  An
alternate timeline Hillary (nemtioned by someone else before but whom I
would have had never marry Clinton) would be an interesting twist.
Conservative:  How about Jack Kemp?  His quick boost to the polls for
Dole is an indication that he would be a viable candidate.  New York,
depending on how you resolve California, would be a hugely important
state in the Electoral College (Here's a tricky political point -- if
the Union does not recognize the Confederacy, does the South still have
Electoral votes and seats in the House and Senate?)

California's role will be a big descision -- given that both Reagan and
Nixon (plus Jerry Brown) were Californians.

A small twist on the ideas you were soliciting for Los Diablos.  The
description lists them as being the same thing as gorgons and
minataurs.  You might consider a horned figure being chaufered in the
big black car.  Having the motorcycles herd the players towards the car
would be frightening.  Having that car stop and a driver get out and
open the door for a 8' humanoid with the body of a man and the head of a
bull dressed in a black armani suit, blood-red silk tie, and bone white
shirt would, I'd guess, drive them into panic.

Give him a black leather-looking jacket with a crest...then, as he walks
closer, tell them that they were wrong -- not a crest.  A tatoo.  If you
have any shamen-types in the party (or new age shamen wanna be's), let
them recognize it.  Add a cigar for smoke billowing out of its nostrils.

Just my two bits.


Matthew M. DeForrest, Ph.D.	Adjunct Professor of Communications and
Adjunct Professor of English	Adjunct Professor of English
UNC Charlotte			Wingate University
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001	Wingate, NC 28174-0157

"Let him be just and deal kindly with my people, for the dead are not
powerless.  Dead -- I say?  There is no death.  Only a change of
worlds."  Chief Seattle, "Our Poeple are Ebbing Away like a Receding
Tide," 1855.