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Re: [HoE] First Impressions [Shane]

---George Dorn <toadpooka@usa.net> wrote:

> Take a look at page 82 of HoE, if you don't know what I mean.  They
make out the Templars to be the
> baddest of the badasses, yet the picture they put in the combat
section is of a woman wearing a
> templar tabard and a belt looking helpless and being attacked by a
wormling.  She's got the
> stereotypical, "Help me, I'm only a girl" look on her face.  

Hm. I knew there was something about that picture that bothered me.
Although the art was nice, it was her expression I didn't like, but I
couldn't explain why. It was just a gut instinct.

Now I know why! THANKS! :)

Graveyard Greg
Dead Man's Hand:
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