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Re: [HoE] Junkers Gear and a minor rant

>| Now that was an old post....
>	Okay, I don't know what you're talking about.  It was an hour-old
>post by Erik.  Wasn't it?  Erik?

Erik's was - my original comments were older then that...

>	But the point I'm making is that to play Deadlands respectably,
>all you need is the main book and Q&D.  GD is a real help, but not vital.
>In contrast, HoE is looking pretty gappy.  

I thought about that when I was doing my review.  

And then I sat down and compared DL and HoE books.

The background sections of HoE is longer then what was in DL.  By a full
page and tighter text per page for both the Prospector's story and
Marshal's sections.

There are the same or a little less than the same number of hexes - psycher
powers (16-13); blessed - templar powers (9-8), shaman -mutant powers
(13-11), harrowed-harrowed (6-6), archetypes (12-12) and monsters (16-15)
I wouldn't really call those differences enough to be skimpier.  

The ball was dropped with the Junkers - especially in comparision to mad
scientists who had an sky-high limit on what they could attempt to build.

I didn't even notice the lack of a map until it was mentioned here.  But,
now that it has been brought up, I do kinda miss it.

I think that the majority of the thin feel to HoE is due to the fact that
we all know the DL setting so well, and we are used to a greater amount of

When we read HoE, we were reading about 50% background history that was
already familiar to us, and 80% rules that we already knew.
Allan Seyberth

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Ralph Waldo Emerson:
The chicken did not cross the road... it trancended it.