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Re: [HoE] stone(was solar energy)

> I assume that since Stone was sent back, reality split into two
>versions, one where the good guys won in the Old West and one where they
>didn't.  Am I right in assuming that in HoE, Stone won in the past and the
>past 200 years were probably influenced with more manitou than would have
>in a past where the good guys destroyed Stone?  I hate time travel

I don't think that the phrase used was "split", but more along the lines
that history "Changed".

A semantic difference, but possibly an important one.
Allan Seyberth

Why did the chicken cross the road?

It was running...running away from...no, escaping...oh, Captain, it was
fleeing from such -pain-!
(and you wonder why I don't like post Kirk Star Trek, ed. note)