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Re: [HoE] Hell On Earth[Rant/Rave/Review]

---PEGShane@aol.com wrote:

> <<     First off, I was disappointed that it actually contained less 
>  *background* stuff than the orginal Deadlands.  >>
> No problem. You've got a right, but note that it DOES say in the HOE
> this time that it IS the *rule* book, and you will *need* the world
book (the
> Wasted West) to really enjoy HOE.
> We decided it was best to just go ahead and say "Yes, you need it,"
instead of
> "Only if you want to" as we did with Q&D. It would have been great
to put them
> out at the same time but it just couldn't happen. So, as much as you
may hate
> me right now, this will all be water under the bridge in 3 weeks or
> Shane

Don't worry Shane--I still like you!

(little does Shane know that Graveyard Greg is secretly paid money to
be Shane's friend. Heh heh heh)

Graveyard "Too bad money is almost useless in 2094" Greg
Dead Man's Hand:
ICQ: 11363516
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