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[HoE] The zine lives again!

OK, it's official now, I'm der Zinemeister.  I've got two staff members thus far,

I'm accepting submissions and requests NOW for the first issue of the zine.  If I don't get any,
it's going to be entirely composed of stuff I wrote, most of which being ramblings like the one
you're reading right now.  However, I just quit my job today so as to have more time to work on this
project (one half of the statement is true), so I'd like some cooperation.  Send me anything, no
matter what it is.  If it relates even vaguely to Deadlands, I'll look it over.  Here's a list of
things I'm looking to publish:

RL History/Facts that have some DL application.
Cool NPCs w/stats.
House Rules/Rule Fixes/Additions
Reviews of Deadlands products.
Reviews of non-PEG stuff relating to DL.
Literary recommendations
New Arcane Powers.
New Concepts (like Greg's Rogue Automaton from the list)
Game stories- how a session went, etc.  Player vs. Marshal viewpoints, especially.
Adventure Ideas
Full Adventures
PC Ideas (ex: an Islamic Mad Scientist with a glass eye and a big axe)
New GRW Troops
GRW scenarios
Ideas for Big Secrets
New Edges or Hindrances
Convention Reports
Settings (towns, Fearmonger territories, etc.)
HoE Stuff (anything that applies up there)

Any of this stuff you might have lying around, send it to me (remember to put [zine] in the header),
and I'll take it under advisement.  If there's something you want in here, don't assume I'll take it
off the listserve, because I won't.  although, if you have a bright idea, you might want to run it
through the list and see what people think of it, so that you can send me a more final submission.
Joseph Malik