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Re: [HoE] Question about Bloodwolves

>When in vampire form, the bloodwolf has a weakness against wooden weapons
>that says they take damage normally from them.  Does this mean that they
>are normally immune to all other weapons?  Are they vulnerable to magic?
>I'm supposing that this is covered in more detail in one of the Wierd
>West books.
>Any help is appreciated.

I was wondering about this too. I think that it means that the vempire form
doesn't get to ignore the first 2 level of wound penalties from wooden
weapons (like it does from everything else). Whether it is still immune to
the Wind from wooden weapon attacks or not, I don't know. For cinematics,
I'd probably say it doesn't take wind from wood weapons, but the
game-mechanics-logic side o' my brain says it should.

By the way, just got HOE yesterday and it rocks!

Pat Gamblin

-Keeper of the Tradeposts of the Mantis,
-L5R Code (CCG1.1b) YA ++  S  G+  R+!r  Y+  C+  E++  M  T--  D++  K++  U+++
-L5R Code (RPG1.1) GP PR +++ CC +  RP+ GT: !  P+  MN + S++ G+++  R+  Y+ C++
T-- K++ U+++