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[HoE] Rest O' the world

I was just going over the HoE rulebook for the 60th time, and I got to
thinking I have run the occasional Deadlands game (whish I could find a
group so I could do it more) Now that game defiantly has to be run in the
old west but with HoE it is not so location specific, I live in Australia ,
home of the Mad Max flicks (speaking of which apparently George miller is
going to direct another Mad Max movie, but without Mel)Now running a game in
your own home territory is a lot better specially when you turn the players
stomping grounds into a deadland. There is  a point here, It seems to me
that the Rekoners are going on a World Tour,  to see the sights, but it
would be interesting to see how those places which the rekoners haven't
arrived yet would be managing. Any opinions, ideas etc.
Sorry for rambling it is late at night my next post will be more straight to
the point.