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Re: [HoE] Rest O' the world

On Thu, 8 Oct 1998 20:29:04 +1000 "katkan" <katkan@powerup.com.au>
>Now running a 
>game in>your own home territory is a lot better specially when you turn
>players>stomping grounds into a deadland. There is  a point here, It
seems to 
>me>that the Reckoners are going on a World Tour,  to see the sights, but

>it>would be interesting to see how those places which the rekoners 
>haven't>arrived yet would be managing. Any opinions, ideas etc.

Well, the ghost rock bombs were supposedly launched at targets all over
the world so at the very least, Australia's major population centers
(Sydney, Melbourne, I don't know of any others) would be irradiated
holes.  As for the rest of the continent, it probably wouldn't have
provided very many specific targets (except for areas of abundant natural
resources such as oil, coal, etc. [I don't know what you get outta the
ground over there]) so it will probably be in about the same shape as our
desert over here in the states.  (Hopefully the Xena and Hercules sets in
New Zealand took a direct hit.)  

What would be interesting is seeing how the Australian natives fared.  I
wonder if they would have made it through as the Old Ways Indians did. 
It would be interesting to see some sort of dreamtime magic (or whatever
it is called).  Maybe the natives can see the manitous in spirit form and
can control or combat them directly.  

As soon as the Four Horsemen show up you can certainly expect all the bad
things to be magnified exponentially (famine, disease, etc.).  So enjoy
the end of life as you know it while you can. ;p

Templar Simon

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