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[HoE] [HOE] More super soldier stuff

Okay, someone replied to my first message saying that the player should
lose the two points for the step down in knowledge.  I got to thinking
about this a bit more.  When I thought about it, you start off with
aptitude points to build a character.  Say your character develops all his
skills with all his aptitude points except for the five for the super
soldier.  If this is the case, he wouldn't be able to buy supersoldier
because as soon as he does, he would be -2 aptitude points.  Can this be
right?  At that point in time, getting super soldier would mean ~7 point
edge where you do get two die moved up, three moved down, and all the rest
of the jazz.  Does someone see what I am getting to.  It seems that that
would be a pretty damn expensive edge, considering you need to have the
ace of spades (or a joker equivalent) and at least a 3d10.  That point
point differential is half of a veteran of the wast.  Anyway, I am
rambling.  Anyone else care to comment on this?