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Re: [HoE] Posse Stagnation

<< Make it personal.  Have the baddies go after the posse, their possessions,
 their friends, and their family.  Make it so that they can't ignore or
 run away from the trouble. >>

Add to this mix something that they can't help but WANT to investigate.  
Like, say, they run into a road gang.  All the cars have armored windows, so 
they can't see the drivers.  After they've thoroughly shredded the gang and 
start to pick over the cars, they find that all the occupants are dead, and 
have been for quite some time. The engines in the cars are missing or 
nonfunctional. There is no evidence of the cars having been tampered with by 
a junker. The cars, by all rights, shouldn't have run at all.  Then have a 
passing friendly wanderer (if there is such a thing...) recognize the gang 
and mention that they got wiped out a few weeks back under very mysterious 
circumstances. He says that they had a stockpile of vehicle parts at their 
base, and gives them directions to the base. Of course, sitting right on top 
of the stockpile is the "mysterious circumstances" itself: an appropriately 
horrific abomination.