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Re: [HoE] Re: Copyright

> Now - Pro:  The name Agency fits the role of the MiBs far better then
> name Pinkertons.  During games I had to take great care to not refer
> to them at the Pinks, or as the Men in Pink, or whatnot.

It makes more sense than the Pinkertons being a de-facto branch of the
government that is 100% privately owned.  As a private organization,
their position in law enforcement or investigation is pretty tenuous...
they have no official backing, and in theory the US Govt. has no reason
to sanction anything they do.

As a somewhat secret but official govt. agency, they now have the
Union's official rubberstamp to do anything they want because they are
now operating in the interests of the people of the Union, and Allan
Pinkerton can avoid any accusations that he might put his personal
interests before that of the nation.

I have no problem with the change. It does a lot more than avoid a
possible legal entanglement for a game company.  It solves a conflict of
interest problem with a private company handling top-secret
national-defense stuff.