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[HoE] Mirv and doombringers

The player makes one faith roll and if it succeeds the miracle goes off but not necessarily hits all the targets.  For example Your average Doomie (from now on when making these examples he will be known as Darren the Doomie) with 6 faith is facing 3 of Throckmortons hooligans.  One is picking his nose so the TN is 5.  One is vamoosin and gets a 12 so the TN to hit him is 12.  Now for the third Darren the Doomie will aim for the head so the TN is 11.  Now assuming the six bolts are divided two a piece the first and you rolled a 6 to hit, the first doomie is hit with two but the other four miss enitirely.
Doombringers are treated as regular harrowed for recieving damage you can cut off his head and it will still live, in fact you can poor Dr. Pepper down his throat and watch the head explode and then form together again giggling all the while.
Thom"Sweet Simon in a Smoking Birch Bark Canoe works for templars too"Gill