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Re: [HoE] Werewolf : HOE

>But i need help defining where to draw the line - do i give him some or no
>powers, do i set a max to his die types etc...  I think that i'm
>definately going to use some sort of exhaustion points system - say after
>5 rounds you get 1 point and each point is 1 hour exhausted or 1D6 wind ??

I'd say give him a damage bonus from claws/teeth (maybe +1D6 for claws and
+1D8 for teeth), raise his strength, nimbleness, and quickness by die
types, drop his knowledge and mien by two die types (except for
intimidation purposes, maybe), and have him lose maybe 2 or 3 Wind per
round while in this form. When he hits 0 Wind he changes back, unconcious
or barely concious. That shouldn't be too powerful (at least, compared to a
maxed-out Doomie) unless he's already got an Arcane Background or

You also might want to say he can't spend chips in wolfie form, if this is
meant to be more of a curse. And consider making him have an animalistic
intelligence while in wolfling form. Can remember who's treated him well,
who's hurt him, recognize scents, but woe unto the innocent scavvie who
wanders along at the wrong moment.

Hm, maybe halve penalties from darkness (as long as there is some light),
and give a bonus to tracking by scent.

Marshall Paddy

-Keeper of the Tradeposts of the Mantis
-Member of the Hida O-Ushi Fan Club
-President of the Yoritomo Yukue Fan Club
-L5R Code (CCG1.1b) YA ++  S  G+  R+!r  Y+  C+  E++  M  T--  D++  K++  U+++
-L5R Code (RPG1.1) GP PR +++ CC +  RP+ GT: !  P+  MN + S++ G+++  R+  Y+ C++
T-- K++ U+++