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Re: [HoE] Question #2 of the Day - Powerup

> >> Since "Hovercar" is given as an example, it seems the intent was that
> >> carscould be powered by this miracle as well.  From what I recall of the
> WW
> >> Companion, many cars are electrical by 2081.
> >
> >Hovercar/hovercycles use turbine engines. Although they do rely on
> electrical
> >components, they still need some sort of fuel to burn in the turbine. There
> is
> >no such thing as a turbine that runs entirely on electricity as far as I'm
> aware
> >of.  If the electrical components on a hover vehicle were missing or not
> >working, then Power Up might work on those... but you'd still need fuel
> make a
> >combustion or turbine engine work.

Do remember however that the year was 2081, so thats nearly 100 years...
things may have changed heaps....

> The table lists 'Hovertank' not 'Hovercar', and the Hovertank in
> Roadwarriors states that its powered by a fusion reacter making me think
> that they are electrical, so why can't a hovercar or bike?

This made me have a scary thought... remember if you will that the
battle suits ran on a similar powersource.... hehehe hoards of
doomsayers in battle suits. Now thats scary.

- michael

"Will a man, given the history of a killer continue in that vein? Or
are we in fact more than the mere sum of our memories?"
				-- Dr Daniel Schreder, Dark City