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Re: [HoE] Saints

In a message dated 5/31/99 12:18:10 PM Central Daylight Time, 
scott_henry@hotmail.com writes:

>  Anti-templars don't have Saints. They have the Reckoners remember?
>  I feel that any attempt to give them Saints is just some attempt by 
>  who likes them too much to make them more powerful simply because they 
>  to play one or break one of the cardinal rules of gming and have a GM PC, 
>  which I mean is that the Gm has their favorite little NPC that they always 
>  play and would throw a shit fit if they died.
    While I don't have the book, and really have no idea what those guys are 
about other than as HoE version of Mord Sith, from what I do know about the 
setting it would seem to me that the Manitous could be their patrons.
    And if the facts of the Anti-Templars make that a stupid idea, please 
explain it to me than.  :)