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Re: [HoE] [Hopler] EMP vs. Black Hats

In a message dated 6/2/99 2:16:57 PM Central Daylight Time, 
darrin@neobright.net writes:

<< Buffy the Doomsayer wants to use EMP on some black hats. The Black Hats
 have chipped brain bombs, chipped assault rifles, and are riding around
 in a chipped HMV. Will EMP work on them, what's the TN, and do their
 brains automatically explode? >>

 I would let the EMP kill the black hats and render the guns' booby traps 
useless ( now they got to go and find ammo- trip to Denver anyone?), but I 
would leave them in the dark about the car.  Let them figure out who's going 
to start it- and let them be afraid that the chip will go off at random.