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Re: Black Hats Kevlar (was Re: [HoE] [Hopler] EMP vs. Black Hats)

> > Just out of curiosity, has anyone done anything with the Kevlar the 
> > Hats wear?
> >
> > I've taken to having the BHs rigging it with a thin underlayer of 
> > explosive and a similar EMP "If I'm dead, or you're moved away X meters 
> > my body - blow up" chip.
> >
> > It just seems odd that the guns and vehicles are rigged, but that 750
> > "dollars" a pop Kevlar is salvalgeable.
>I would say "no", simply because Kevlar will stop pistol rounds, but
>shotgun and rifle rounds can punch through. Granted, Throckmorton
>doesn't really care what happens to the Black Hats, but it would get
>difficult to send them out to map pockets of resistance or gather
>tribute from villages if everyone knew where to aim to hit the plastic
>explosive. Which would make a big squishy hole in the Black Hats chests.

So...assume it's a futuristic version of plastic explosive that isn't set 
off by shotguns.  Why limit ourselves to 20th century versions of C-4 or 
whatever when the game is set in 2094?

I'm also not sure that damage in excess of armor literally "punches through" 
anyway, as much as convey reduced damage which is represented in "real life" 
terms by bruising, broken ribs, trauma, etc. that still falls within the 
realm of actual Wounds.  By the standards cited, even a 3d6 pistol will 
"punch through" Kevlar, as far as it doing at least some damage (2d4, 
right?).  Granted, that may not do a Wound, but if it does, I've never 
assumed it literally "punched through" the Kevlar.

Like I noted, I just have a problem with a group fighting 20 Black Hats and 
walking away with...15,000 "dollars" in goods.  Granted, BHs are tough...but 
are they real worth that big an award?

>Mg "Kevlar Codpiece" Kelly
>"I practice safe sex. My idea of safe sex just involves wearing body
>armor and having a gun nearby."


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

Check out my website at:  http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/4991/

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