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[HoE] Re: My idea

So does anyone think my idea to try a hoe play by mail game is ok? I kinda 
didnt appreciate being ignored. Also I still really need some help. I also 
dont think that Pinacle guy answered my question on time travel which I DO 
need answered.

>From: hoe-owner@gamerz.net
>Reply-To: hoe@gamerz.net
>To: hoe-digest@gamerz.net
>Subject: hoe-digest.19990606
>Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 23:50:36 -0400
>hoe-digest                                          Sunday, June  6, 1999
>Re: : [HoE] STILL TEMPLAR POWER DEFL   graeme.bradbury@btinternet.com
>Re: : [HoE] STILL TEMPLAR POWER DEFL   overflow@tig.com.au
>[HoE]  EMP, Black hats, and Junk       d.sutton@lancaster.ac.uk
>[HoE]  Another Junker Nugget           seventhirtyfour@hotmail.com
>[HoE]  Road Warriors/Vehicle Armor Q   twilight@vbe.com
>Re: [HoE]  Road Warriors/Vehicle Arm   pames@unidial.com
>Re: [HoE] SMG Ranges                   mgkelly@axom.com
>To unsubscribe, send a message to esquire@gamerz.net with
>	unsubscribe hoe-digest
>as the BODY of the message.  The SUBJECT is ignored.
>Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 12:45:14 +0100
>From: graeme.bradbury@btinternet.com
>Then we disagree on vamoosing. You need to be able to detect what you are
>vamoosing from.
>	A syker is calmly sitting in a bar drinking his coffee when he decides to 
>puppet the templar. Who is not looking at him. How in heck does the templar
>know he is being targeted? He can't see the effect or the person using it.
>Thats like a player saying
>"I'm going to use this card to vamoose"
>GM: "What?"
>Player: "Well i've read the adventure and i know there is a mine on the 
>Take it from a GM who has watched a templar pick up an armed grenade and 
>_no_ damage from it due to his powers.
>Wrong. The power specifically states that the Templar needs to be able
>to see the spell being cast to deflect it away from a friend. In the
>main text of the power it simply says he needs a card to vamoose with
>and to make a faih roll.
>- michael
>Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 22:34:11 +1000
>From: overflow@tig.com.au
>Well we don't really disagree on vamoose, under general circumstances, I
>don't even let the players know that they are being shot at, just that
>shots are being fired in their general direction. However, with powers,
>like deflection, I kinda feel that the power (the saints?) alerts them
>to the fact that they are being targeted by some unfriendly mojo. And in
>that case, they can make a quickness roll, and if they beat the person
>using the spell then they deflect it. As to a templar being able to take
>no damage from a grenade... well is it less unrealistic than say nuke?
>or brain blast with 5d12 damage? this is after all a fantastical
>roleplaying game.
>- michael
>Graeme Bradbury wrote:
> >
> > Then we disagree on vamoosing. You need to be able to detect what you 
> > vamoosing from.
> > eg.
> >         A syker is calmly sitting in a bar drinking his coffee when he 
>decides to meat
> > puppet the templar. Who is not looking at him. How in heck does the 
> > know he is being targeted? He can't see the effect or the person using 
> >
> > Thats like a player saying
> > "I'm going to use this card to vamoose"
> > GM: "What?"
> > Player: "Well i've read the adventure and i know there is a mine on the 
> >
> > Take it from a GM who has watched a templar pick up an armed grenade and 
> > _no_ damage from it due to his powers.
> >
> > Gee
> > -----------------
> > Wrong. The power specifically states that the Templar needs to be able
> > to see the spell being cast to deflect it away from a friend. In the
> > main text of the power it simply says he needs a card to vamoose with
> > and to make a faih roll.
> >
> > - michael
> >
> > To unsubscribe, send a message to esquire@gamerz.net with
> >         unsubscribe hoe
> > as the BODY of the message.  The SUBJECT is ignored.
>"Will a man, given the history of a killer continue in that vein? Or
>are we in fact more than the mere sum of our memories?"
>				-- Dr Daniel Schreder, Dark City
>Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 13:48:28 +0100 (BST)
>From: d.sutton@lancaster.ac.uk
>Subject: [HoE]  EMP, Black hats, and Junk
>Here's what I do with EMP and Black hats.
>	Doomsayer EMP's Black hat head burster, so the hat's chip stops
>working, but I make it harder to EMP the equipment's chip (more easily
>shielded).  The Smart doomsayer doesn't beother with the equipment, since
>now the Hat is not chipped for the duration of the miracle, and holding
>chipped weapons or sitting in a chipped vehicle and... boom!  Excellent
>way to take out a Combine ATV, emp the driver and the whole thing goes
>	I say 20 kevlar vests is a great role-playing opportunity!  Have
>them trade to someone who's essentially the 'only game in town'.  You
>know 'yeh want a shotgun eh?  Gimme five vests and its yers'.  A good way
>to get a party to dislike an NPC for future use.  And having most of the
>vest blown away in the combat is good too, unless they make a point to
>slit throats.
>	I recently got the Junker book too.  background good, tool
>tricks, fun!  Tech spirits, hokey but fun (Toaster Ghosts looking for a
>cause).  But was it just me or were the gadget building rules nigh
>incomprehensible.  Ok, they were understandable, but just too complex to
>use for ONE PC on ONE gadget!  Look at Marvelous Marv's bike!  300-400
>words of text and maths for, at the end, a motorbike with a gun on it.
>Too much work, I'm stickin with the simpler rules in HoE and just
>transferring certain powers into it.
>	and lastly, do you all get the reader's digest version of the list?  I was
>wondering if we could make repeating another person's post to a bare
>minimum?  I'm getting hugely long E-mails with mostly repeated texts.
>May i ask that we instead just sum up the previous post in a sentence or
>two to save space?  Thank you.
>			Damon
>Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 12:45:15 PDT
>From: seventhirtyfour@hotmail.com
>Subject: [HoE]  Another Junker Nugget
>I've got a Junker question for y'all, especially those at the Pinnacle 
>who could answer it officially.
>A while back I watched a future tech show that talked about this bizarre
>running device.  It was essentially a frame you strapped yourself into, 
>had a large back and digitigrade steel legs on it. By strapping your feet 
>the legs, you could use the frame's legs as an extension of your own.  
>the backpack had a sophisticated elastic energy saving device in it.  The
>short of it was, you could use this thing to run about 1.5 to 2 times 
>than a normal person, provided you practiced with it, and you wouldn't 
>into a sweat, because the elastic system on the backpack was saving most of
>the wasted energy from your step, saving it for the next step, propelling
>the legs of the machine forward.
>I thought it was majorly cool.
>So, here I was, a copy of The Junkman Cometh in hand, and I realized that
>there wasn't any way I could replicate a user-powered machine like that 
>Junker abilities.  Everythings gotta be powered by ghost batteries or spook
>juice.  Normally, this device wouldn't be very supernatural, but the way I
>figure it, a Junker would only build one bigger and better.  Something that
>could haul lots of equipment and run really fast.  Problem is, the person 
>suppsed to provide 90% of the energy to run it.
>Any suggestions?
>Here's what I've got so far.
>Locomotion - At a high speed, with a big powerplant, but when calculating
>the gas costs and drain, cut that to 50% of normal, and make up the
>difference in x2 wind per hour.
>Health - This would represent the elastic energy saving system, returning
>some of this lost wind to the user, to represent that he never spent it in
>the first place.
>Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com
>Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 15:59:09 -0500
>From: twilight@vbe.com
>Subject: [HoE]  Road Warriors/Vehicle Armor Q (Hopler)
>In Roadwarriors, the cost for Armor is listed as $50 X Armor Level X
>Size per side.  What does it mean by "size per side"?  I combed thru and
>I wasn't able to find an answer.  Please help!
>Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 16:28:30 -0500
>From: pames@unidial.com
>Subject: Re: [HoE]  Road Warriors/Vehicle Armor Q (Hopler)
>At 03:59 PM 6/6/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >Ppl,
> >
> >In Roadwarriors, the cost for Armor is listed as $50 X Armor Level X
> >Size per side.  What does it mean by "size per side"?  I combed thru and
> >I wasn't able to find an answer.  Please help!
> >
> >-Guy
> >
>I believe it's not size per side, but 50XArmor levelX size of the vehicle,
>per side you want armored.
>Date: Sun, 06 Jun 1999 23:19:52 -0400
>From: mgkelly@axom.com
>Subject: Re: [HoE] SMG Ranges
> > I think it may also be a reason for ammo-rich
> > posses to keep their guns on single shot and don't go "shootin up the 
> >
>'Ammo rich posses'? Where?!? Can they get me more than 10 rounds for my
>rifle? ;]
>Sounds logical. That and recoil. Personally, I've got an Evil GM [tm],
>so shootin' up the place would just get us all killed so that the locals
>could loot our bodies. ;]
>Quoth the Harrowed: "I'm your Boogie-Man. That's what I am."
>End of hoe-digest.19990606

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