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Re: [HoE] John Hopler (time travel)

In a message dated 6/2/99 5:37:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
scott_henry@hotmail.com writes:

<< What would the effects e on a group of pcs from HOE 
 time traveling back to the Weird West? Would certain powers not work? 
 (Syker, Templar, Doomsayer?) And just what is the Fortress of fear? Im 
 trying to work out a big huge campaign where the pcs eventually go back in 
 time to stop Stone. Not KILL stone people, STOP Stone. You CAN stop the 
 villian without killing him. >>

Syker powers would work just fine in the Weird West, they've just found a 
new, more efficient way of channeling energy from the Hunting Grounds. 
Templars, Doomsayers, and Junkers, however, are out of luck. In the case of 
Templars, many of the Saints are still alive or haven't been born yet, so 
their powers won't work. Likewise, Doomsayers don't have the high background 
radiation level they need to perform their miracles. There are very few 
"free" tech spirits in the Hunting Grounds during the Weird West period. so 
the TN of all junker tool tricks and powers are increased by a whopping +8.

As for the Fortress o' Fear, I couldn't really tell you. That's one of the 
Weird West products with which I had absolutely no contact during its 
production, and I haven't got around to reading it yet. The best person to 
ask would be Hal Mangold (Peghal@aol.com), the Weird West brand manager. He 
wrote the second adventure in that series and did much of the layout work on 
Fortress. Sorry.