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RE: [HoE] Time Travel: HoE vs. Deadlands

>>Maybe it existed, but when Stone went back and changes history, the path
>>that caused that technology was erased?
>>Patrick "Temporal Mechanics" Phalen
>So...wouldn't that mean that Mad Scientists in the "new" history
>would never
>have had time travel, but the ones in the Deadland universe (i.e.,
>presumably the one where most Deadlands campaign took place prior to HoE,
>and most of the ones now) did?

Yup.  In order to give Deadlands players hope, you can't automatically make
HoE the inevitable future of Deadlands.  In that reality Time Travel exists.
Also, in that reality, Stone doesn't get sent back to "fix" things...

In the HoE universe, Stone has "fixed" things, so Time travel does not

>That seems the most eloquent solution, but just wanted to check...


Patrick "Temporal anomaly" Phalen