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Re: [HoE] [HOPLER] Time Travel: HoE vs. Deadlands

>After reading all the brew-ha-ha about time travel in
>HoE and Deadlands, I got a burst of inspiration.  I
>remembered a episode of the X-files, in which an
>assassin comes back through time to the present day to
>kill the inventor of time travel.  The invention of a
>time machine causes history to be constantly
>rewritten, destroying humanities' past.  This would
>make for an excellent adventure in Deadlands or HOE.

Just as a note, there are numerous problems with the consistent (or even 
inconsistent) portrayal of time travel that takes place in that episode.  
I'd recommend Phil Farrand's X-Files Nit-Pickers guide for a full analaysis 
of the episode's approach to time travel.

That whole approach is kinda why I raised the issue in the first place.  
Overall, I think Captain Janeway put it best:  "Temporal paradoxes give me a 

>A series of murders occurs, with the victim in each
>case being a MS/Junker.  When the posse investigates,
>they eventually cross paths with the assassin, who has
>weapons far beyond the capacities of the present day,
>and incredible supernatural powers.  After tangling a
>few times, the posse discovers that each of the
>MS/Junkers was working on a time machine...

Sounds like Stone to me, armed with a few Relics.  Maybe he had a secondary 
objective in being sent back.  Which in fact was what was proposed and made 
sense to me earlier.  :)

>Remember, conformity is the mother of obscurity;
>be true to yourself in everything you do.
>Happy Roleplaying,
>-The Smiling Bandit <Strikes Again!/Ha-Ha-Ha>
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Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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