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[HoE] Lost Colony Speculation-Spoiler (duh)

I had the idea of the Tunnel being a time travel device a while back.  Actually,
I was going to stay far away from the MS/Time Travel thread until I relaized
that it lead quite well into my theory...Here goes:
Like Mr. Goods said, the Tunnel is a time machine.  Maybe Hellstromme knew this,
maybe he didn't.  Maybe he thought it was a space gate, and disappeared when he
found out it wasn't.  Either way, the ships sent through were coming down on
Earth thousands of years later.
In the future of Hell on Earth, the Reckoners lose.  Sorta.  Basically, humanity
is mostly wiped out.  Fortunately for good old Mama Earth, there are others to
fight the forces of Evil.  Take a close look at some illustrations in the
various sourcebooks, and you'll see who I'm talking about.  They're small,
they're scaly, and they're intelligent.  They watch humanity fight a losing
battle against the Reckoners, and learn.  They fight back, like the small
intelligent mammals did against the dinosaurs, and eventually become the
dominant species on Earth.  They've got their own Greenies, natural sykers like
the humans had.  The lizard creatures evolve bigger and bigger into anouks. 
Their sykers channel hundreds of times the amount of energy that ours did, and
their bodies are warped that much more.
Now these anouks have a nice little planet going, and who comes along but the
humans.  Of course, no anouk ever saw one, since they became extinct thousands
of years ago.  The Faraway War happens, and the Skinnies have to use so much
power that they are warped ever more.  Anoukdom fights off the human armies, but
the survivors are left in a sorry state.  Four powerful Skinnies get a visit
from a tall, lanky, pale human a bit later, with a proposition.  The Skinnies
tap into a huge source of power, become the Reckoners, and travel back in time
to get revenge on the humans for hurting their people.
Of course, Stone wasn't the only human to survive for the thousands of years. 
Raven stowed away on the Unity as it was leaving Banshee.  As soon as the ship
got through the gate, Raven came out, wanting to impart some knowledge to the
escaping soldiers.  They attacked, and he fought back.  When the remaining
sykers left the Unity, Raven overpowered the Unforgotten Fifteen, but didn't
kill them.  Instead, still wanting revenge on the Reckoners, recuited the Unity
survivors to exterminate the small lizard creatures now, before they can evolve
into anouks, and thus Skinnies, and thus the Reckoners.  Now all Raven has to do
is get onto Earth with his new army and contact his younger self (something seem
familiar here?).

So, if Old Raven succeeds, the little lizards won't become the anouks, but also
won't be able to fight off the Old Reckoners.  Fortunately (?), if young Raven
succeeds, there will be no people left to fear the old Reckoners.  All this will
eventually culminate in an Earth-shattering battle between Old, Old Stone and
Old, Old Raven.

(and here I thought things got weird in the session tonight when Throckmorton
bombed the moon...)

"For believers, no explanation is necessary.  For unbelievers, none shall

Richard A. Ranallo,
Elk, Mason, Communist, President of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance for some
reason, and Stonecutter.