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Re: [HoE] [Shane]Junkman Cometh rules

In a message dated 6/20/99 8:23:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
redurgam@hotmail.com writes:

<< )  When browser spirits are in junker devices how often do they produce 

The energy put out by a browser spirit is per round.

 2)  When casting a tool trick the book say to roll Spirit/science: occult 
 engineering.  What does that mean?

This means to use the number of dice equal to the junker's level in science 
occult engineering, but use the junker's Spirit die type instead of Knowledge 
(which is what that skill is normally associated with).

 3)  Can browser spirits provide a bonus to using tool tricks?  If so, what 
 is each tool tricks associated spirit?

Browsers don't give a bonus to tool tricks because the junker actually 
contacts individual tech spirits while casting them.

 4)  How often do tech spirits produce g-rays when built into a device?(ex. 
 Bus spirit in a scooter)

The amount of energy produced by over-sized spirits is also per round.

 5)  When counting slots used for attracting a browser spirit.  Do you count 
all associated spirits?(Reflexes is associated with tool and computer.)

Yes, power with more than one association count toward attracting all 
associated browser spirits.

 6)  Is acceleration of VTOL and Locomotion powers per round or action?

The acceleration actually per movement phase as described in Road Warriors. 
If you're not using the vehicle rules in this book, assume the acceleration 
is per action.

 7)  What does increased damage under weaponsmith power do?

It raises the weapon's die type by one level for every 20% of weapon slots 
alotted to it.

 8)  Could you use durability and durability steps in an example of combat?

A dirt bike has a Durability of 10/2. This means that it has a total 
durability of 10 and a durability step of 2. If it takes 4 points of damage 
in combat, it has only 6 durability left between it and the scrap pile. It 
has also lost 2 durability steps ( 4 damage/ step of 2), this means that all 
rolls made to operate the bike now suffer a -2 penalty.

 9)  What happens when say a bloodwolf takes killing damage from a normal 
 bullet?  Or the bloodwolf falls 100 feet onto a bed of wooden stakes?

The bloodwolf is undead, so it's not immune to normal bullets. Killing damage 
to any place other than the heart (its focus) simply racks up wound 
modifiers, but the thing keeps on coming.  

In vampire form, falling onto the stakes would do full damage and probably 
kill it. In werewolf form  it would take damage from the fall, but ignore the 
stakes because it is immune to wooden weapons in this form.

John Hopler