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Re: [HoE] Templar/Swordfighting ?

In a message dated 6/17/99 5:33:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
crow_steve@hotmail.com writes:

<< The Templar book, Page 62, "Way of the Sword" talks about the Feint 
 maneuver.  Basically, you add your _opponent's _Fightin'_ skill level to 
 your roll to hit, but subtract the same skill level from his roll to damage.
 But according to the basic rulebook (pg. 93), when you roll to hit in HTH, 
 against an opponent with a HTH weapon, you add the appropriate 
 Fightin'/Aptitude level to your TN of 5.  So if he's got a Fightin'/Sword 4 
 and he's defending with that sword, your TN is 9.
 Maybe we're missing something, but doesn't the Feint simply cancel out the 
 penalty your opponent applies to your roll-to-hit?
 The Feint entry seems to be worded a bit awkwardly, so we weren't sure if 
 this was the case.  Wouldn't it have been simpler to simply say, "Your TN to 
 hit is no longer modified by your opponent's Skill Level - subtract a like 
 amount of damage." or words to that effect?
You are 100% correct.

John Hopler