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Re: [HoE] Re: [HOPLER] Veteran Hucksters vs. HoE Hucksters

> >>..shouldn't this in some way benefit a Huckster who has had 200+ years 
> >>become experienced in their ways?
>It does.  They've been practising all along and have learned to deal with
>the manitous' new tricks.  Think of it as an arms race - those who have
>been keeping up all along have maintained the balance, but the new kids on
>the block are severely outgunned.

Fair enough.  Except John's post didn't indicate that.  Rather it indicated 
that Veteran Hucksters remained exactly the same as far as the amount of 
power they could draw on, the strength of their Hucksters, etc., but only 
the manitous grew more powerful (as I assume the additional +4 backlash 

I agree that the new post-2081 Hucksters _should_ be outgunned, but so are 
the Old-timers...just not as much.  Vet Hucksters haven't maintained the 
balance, which is where we kinda have problems...

>Allan Seyberth
>Why did the chicken cross the road?
>Was it pushing a rock, too?
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