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[HoE] Goff interview (again)

Speaking of Celebrity Deathmatches, I was sorry to hear of Jolly Blackburn's
fate in the recent interview.  Not that he lost, but that the actual shot that
took him out wasn't mentioned.  In truth, a shot was fired from OUTSIDE THE
RING, from a currently-unknown assailant.  It's rumored that the shadowy
assassin has plans to take over Kenzer & Co, and he's got a lot of _little_
people to help out....

...more on this story as it develops...
From Whom It May Concern,
Richard Ranallo, The Man They Couldn't Hang

Your money talks, but my genius walks
Morticians wait with a shovel and a fork
As detectives trace my hands with chalk
Your money talks but my genius walks.
--They Might Be Giants, "You'll Miss Me"