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Re: [HoE] A Complete Review Of HoE

>Steve Crow wrote:
> >
> > >>Overall thoughts: Good, definitely required for Sykers.
> > >I liked it, tho I thought it was a teensy bit powerful with a few of 
> > >powers.  but thats a personal thing, not a real criticism.
> > >depending how your player rolls, it may be awhile before you get to 
>enjoy a
> > >Backlash.  I have yet to see a Syker in one of my games do so. (ed 
> > >yes, I know you spent chips not to, Mr. L.. ;-))  IOW, I agree.
> > Just as a question, how often does that happen (since the reference is 
> > "chips")?
> >
> > We were under the impression once you Botched, you can't spend chips.
>You can't spend chips on a botched roll (although I think there's an
>exception for Legend chips).

But the original poster implied that they did.  Granted your average Syker 
has 4d10 - 5d12 Blastin', it just seemed to me really paranoid that they 
were spending chips to avoid Backlash before knowing if the die roll was 
botched or not.

>One of my problems with Brainburners is backlash got really, really
>nasty. It's what, 4d10? That's about like getting hit with a .50 caliber
>rifle/MG round, enough to average 4 wound levels to the head, which I
>sort of read as "Brainburn = Dead Syker, new character please..." I
>guess you can still spend chips to cancel the wounds, but that still
>seems a little strong to me.
>I haven't actually played much HOE, though. Those of you that are
>playing HOE regularly with Sykers, have you noticed Brainburn as being
>unnecessarily harsh, or is it a nice change from the older
>slap-on-the-hand backlash rules?

For the reasons stated above, I've just never seen a Backlash come up to be 
able to assess it or not.  Which I suppose answers the question as to 
whether I find it too abusive or not...  ;)


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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