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Re: [HoE] Product List

In a message dated 11/27/99 12:36:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
grifflik@stny.rr.com writes:

<< Okay, so if I'm interpreting it right, Killer Clowns is going to be the
 last official "dime novel" for HoE and it will be coming out in December
 of this year, correct?  Or, has it been put aside for use in purely
 "fiction form" in the Epitaph?  And since I don't *think* I saw it on
 the 2000 list, are we also expecting MMM in December as well?  Just
 curious (folks are askin' me what I want for Christmas...).
 Matt Steflik
 Master of Wahoo
 Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik/ >>

Killer Clowns is shipping this week, along with M3 and Worms! (for WW).
