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Re: [HoE] No sir, I don't like it at all (possible spoiler)

> > I believe he is refering to Jackie Iforgetherlastname
> > from the Heart O' Darkness series.
>Obviously a very memorable character.  :)

   Jackie Wells.   And she's only from the Devil's Tower boxed set 
adventure.  Not the whole series.
>How good is the Heart of darkness series?  I havn't played it, and if
>it's good (ie: recommended by people on this list) I may go out and get
>it... I haven't played DL for a very long time.

   First two were good.  The third reeked of too much cheese and 'Play our 
new product, Hell On Earth'.  If you buy them, as a Marshal you should read 
all three before running them so that you can better prepare for the 
surprises they want to dump on you in the last one.  My hindsight is 20/20 
on this one.

-Damon Harper
   "I only please one person per day.
    Today is not your day.
    Tomorrow isn't looking good either." -Scott Adams
<nomad74@hotmail.com> <ICQ 4297972>

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