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Re: [HoE] Wierd Story Hook based on real life.

Matthew Steflik wrote:

> Lane Pearson wrote:
> > I was just thinking today about a story I read a couple years ago
> > about the
> > E.T. computer game.
> > You see, since the game company wanted to strike while the iron was
> > hot and
> > release the game in time for Christmas of the year E.T. was popular,
> > they
> > gave the production team only six weeks to make the game.
> > What this amounted to was a game that truly and immensely sucked, and
> > since
> > the company responsible vastly overestimated the license's popularity,
> > it
> > got stuck with 50,000 cartridges it couldn't sell. They wound up
> > burying
> > these carts in some dump in the Arizona desert.
> >
> >
> Cute idea - I like it.  Incidentally, how many/what type of components
> do you figure you could get out of one "Atari" (or some such) game
> cartridge for the purposes of Junker tech?  One structural and one
> electronic? Two?  Just one electronic and no Structural to speak of?  I
> realize the rule book states that each electronic component "weighs in
> at about 8 oz. to a pound".  Just curious as to what other people think
> and how they play it.

I would say around 1 Electronic if the catridge is on good shape and not
really any thing else worth mentioning. :)
The real rare components in my Posse have turned out to be Chemical. Every
thing is is relatively common is comparison.

> Matt Steflik
> Master of Wahoo
> Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik/
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