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Re: [HoE] [HOPLER} Syker Power: Telekinesis

> The telekinesis power says that a syker can lift an amount as if his 
> knowledge we strength, getting a +2 to the die type for each raise on the 
> Blastin' roll.  The Strength chart only goes to d12..how do you calculate 
> for the 5d12 Blastin' Syker who gets a few raises.

Every step above d12 equals +2. You get up to d12 and get one more
raise, you can lift d12+2. Two raises equals d12+4. Three raises is
d12+6, et cetera.

> On a side note, my marshall, who asked me to post this, keeps griping about 
> how the strength chart is too low...anyone know about this?

Thee's only so much weight you can lift with the power of your own mind.
Tell your Marshal to up the Strength chart if that would fit best in his
game.Then have the Syker find the biggest, heaviest thing he can [like a
car body or a huge boulder or the hulk of a burned-out tank] and then
drop said object on the Big Bad Guy's noggin. 

"Guns don't kill people. Bullets kill people."