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Re: [HoE] Ok, I gots a problem

In a message dated 12/29/99 12:40:16 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
martin_etc@yahoo.com writes:

<< Now, thus far, I don't mind this, dealt legit, but my problem is: how will 
the posse react? They *know* I'm going out with her and are OK with her 
joining the posse, put a pheromone pull on mutation... I don't know. Do we 
even >>


Well, two things off the top of my head. First, if they have a problem with 
it, inform them again, because they have forgotten, that this is a game of 
fun and relaxation, and not to be taking seriously at all, Make believe, and 
that everyone will get what is coming to them in due time. Second thing is, 
never, and I repeat NEVER hide anything from them that you would think they 
would be suspicious. It wouldn't help the situation any really. Might think 
your playing favorites if you hide things like this from the others. Now just 
suggestions to you, and might be helpful and then again you might be playing 
with close minded individuals and in that case, good luck, you will need it.  
