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Re: [HoE] re:blowthrough

> >What is a four gauge designed to be used for?  Hunting small trucks?

Pretty much. IIRC, they were designed for elephants and exceptionally
large game. So when you see the old Warner Brothers cartoons and someone
says "Elephant gun", that's what they mean.

> gague-system works?

The guage of a shotgun is equal to the number of solid lead balls of
that diameter that weigh a pound. So a 12-guage means that 12 solid lead
balls of the same diameter of the shotgun's bore weigh a pound, 4-guage
means that four solid lead balls of that size weigh a pound, etc. The
slug itself doesn't weigh a quarter-pound, it's just an odd unit of

"Hell hath no fury like the lawyer of a scorned woman."