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Re: [HoE] The Original Undead Gunslinger (PEG FOLKS)

>So the solution is to send Old Stone back every time he comes to the same
>point in time. This causes a paradox in that Old Stone is Two Hundred years
>older each time and could theoretically build his skills to the point he
>becomes stronger than the Reckoners (after a few hundred thousand trips to
>the past and back).

Not quite - the Stone that would have to go back would have to be the
"young" Stone - the one that has only lived since the Reckoning, since it
was that Stone that went back the "first" time.
Leaving "old" Stone hanging around the Wasted West.

In fact, I would guess that everytime one of the Stone's died, the other
one would pull out some major mojo to bring him back, just to keep the plan
on track.

Though the older Stone would have the advantage - having lived through what
younger Stone is experiencing now.

<Looking at his pocket watch while in the ceiling>  Agency busts in on my
hiding spot. . . now.  <Smashing noises heard below>
I react and drop the first five cyborgs through the door.
<blamblamblamblamblam from below>
High power lasers slice through walls and take my left arm off.  <gszzorch
noise, smell of smoke and the smell of burning dried flesh.>
Drop the sniper, attempt to ghost, fail.  <DAMN! is heard from below>
Cyborgs come through wall.  Drop them.  Reload<blamblamblamblamblam from
Jump through hole in wall, attempt to hellride, fail.  <mumbled curses>
See command post at end of block.  Attempt to take out.  Fail <sound of
screaming souls on wind, fizzling out>
Dodge TSAR bullets, drop syker squad at top of block.
<fphitfphitfphitfphitfphitfphitfphitfphitfphitfphitfphitfphitfphitfphit . .
. blamblamblamblamblamblam>
Reload, and dive for cover.  <Old Stone drops from ceiling>
Drop cyborg squad, two bullets for the heavy cans. <blamblamblamblamblamblam>
Go for manhole cover. . . <BOOM!> lose legs.  That was indeed rather stupid
of me. <Old Stone moves to hole in wall, stopping only to cut the throat of
a still moving agent>
Syker sets me on fire. . . 
Cyborg squad moves in, drop three of 'em.  <blamblamblamblamblamblam click>
<Old Stone pulls out a box with buttons on it>
Bullets shred chest, rip jaw off. . . Cyborg stands over me. . . <Old Stone
presses button.  Command post explodes.  Press another button, a second
explosion takes out the power negator field>

Okay Pinks, now we play this MY way.  
<Fade to gunshots, smoke, fire, and the screams of the dying.>

Allan Seyberth

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Rush Limbaugh:
Beacuse of those damn bleeding heart liberals, trying to save one stupid
bird while thousands of jobs are being lost.