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Re: [HoE] The Timeline. (What did we do for 100 years?)

On Wed, 02 February 2000, Sam & Max wrote:


>I would have thought the advancement would have been >faster if anything, what with mad science and all. 
> David Heth


Well I can't speak to the lack of continuity in advancement over the past 100 years, but I do know that mad science was NOT a factor in the HOE future world.

Why you ask?  Well.... (here come the spoilers) it turns out that the reckoners of the wierd west got word of the future from Stone.  They in turn told the Manatous about this future tech.  Crafty as they are, they came up with the idea to inspire Mad Scientists with this future knowledge, and at the same time rework the idea so that they used ghost rock.

The only problem with this is that as time aproached the future where stone came from, there became less and less inventions for the Manatous to pass along.  Mad Science began to press the limits of the Manatou's stolen future knowledge.

Maybe in the future, there is so little "real" science left that as the diabolic inspiration dried up, real science was left with no base to stand upon.  As Newton said "If I see further, it is because I am standing on the shoulders of giants." That kind of idea, only in reverse.

I guess it could also be explained that the HOE Earth was nuked back to the information age.

Jeff "Quit questioning the Reckoners.  They are all powerful..... Really, they are.... Honest.... Ok, but they are really mean!" Tolle


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