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Re: [HoE] FW: Question about Gauss Technology

The Gauss Technology Question:

>Does Guass technology exists in Hell on Earth?

Well, I've seen Junker-tech Gauss weapons, and some rules in the various 
expansions, like Wasted West and Cyborgs.  So we know rail guns exist.  
Besides, if they can have a particle accelorator, a rail gun is a piece of 
cake.  The only REAL problem with fielding a Gauss weapon is their 
relatively slow rate of fire.  They make excellent sniping weapons, but 
lousy general issue hardware.

Now, for the hard part, the actual science.

Gauss weapon technology is a process by which a solid metal slug gets 
accelerated to super-sonic speeds by a series of magnets or a magnetic coil 
extending down the barrel of the weapon.  To function properly, Gauss 
weapons require 1) a longer barrel than a normal weapon of comparable power 
and 2) an effective power source to power the magnets/coil.  In larger Gauss 
weapons, there may also be a need for a system to realign the magnets after 
every shot/number of shots.

Now, that Mr. Science has inserted his useless bit of trivia, thank you Mr. 
Science, we can get on to the rules jockeying.

>Here is what I am thinking:  PPK Gauss Pistol
>Ammo:  2mm EC (in Deadlands terms, it is considered AP level 2)
>Shots: 12
>Speed: 1
>ROF: 1
>Range: 50
>Damage: 4D10
>Cost: $3,000

A Walther PPK-style Gauss pistol is a technolgical impossiblity, the barrel 
length and power source required would make the weapon more to the size and 
build of a Skorpion Machine Pistol or MP5-K, and that's for a practical one 
with no external power source.  Apart from the size of the weapon, these 
stats are pretty good, with the exception that it would probably only fire 
once per action, not twice, so the magnets/coil could recharge.  And the 
damamge would be higher (I've adjusted both) as a supersonic slug would 
cause immense hydrstatic shock.  In the plus column, however, ammo would be 
disgustingly cheap, as any small aerodynamic hunk of iron would do, as a 
Gauss weapon doesn't uses real cased ammo, but a simple slug of ferrous 
material.  If the magnets/coil breaks, however, God help you.

As for the rifle idea:

>PCKK Gauss Rifle
>Ammo:  2mm EC
>Shots: 30
>Speed: 1
>ROF: 1
>Range: 50
>Damage: 5D12
>Cost: $7,000

This is also a good platform with one exception, it fires too fast.  The ROF 
should also be somewhere around 1-2 as the magnets take time to regain power 
and realign.  Also, the size would be about that of a small SAW, or a 
heavier assault rifle, to make room for the ammunition and power supply.  
Ever see "Eraser?"  Bad movie,yes, but the weapons at the end were fairly 
accurate for a Gauss rifle.

BTW, I hate to be this anal-retentive, but weapon schematics, both in game 
and in real life, are a hobby of mine.

Man, that was a mouthful.

Paul "You'll put your eye out" Zichichi
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