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Re: [HoE] [HOPLER] AP ?

Steve Crow wrote:

> Is the damage for Armor-Piercing explosives modified against unarmed
> opponents in the same manner that damage for AP _bullets_ are?

 If you are asking about the loss of dice that AP rounds suffer when they over
penetrate Unarmored targets, well.
    Armor piercing explosives such as HEAT rounds use a shaped charge to create
a penetrator of superheated material (Usually part of what is hit is included)
Others detonate on contact and fire a solid core through the target, granting
it greater velocity of the initial projectile.  To be honest through.. all of
these nasties are designed as anti vehicles. And considering there means of
operation I would say they don't lose any damage from hitting relatively "soft"
:) targets like humans and monsters.  It doesn't help any to be soft and
squishy when a shaped charge goes off against your torso. (Ouch) And even if
they were small Junker type explosive AP I would still say it does full damage
due to the method of use.
    To be honest, the problem is in the way they work. If its a round that uses
an explosive to augment the AP part, like something that blows up _when_ it
hits you. I'd say full damage.  If its an explosion that spreads fragmentation
and the fragments are supposed to be AP then reduce them like normal, since in
all respects they are now AP bullets.  Since there is no difference in HoE
between fragmentation and concussion... (And I don't think there really needs
to be. tried it and it was a pain.)  It really up to what sort of explosive AP
your dealing with.
    Boom when it hits, full damage. Boom at a distance, reduce as normal. :)

> The rules only talk about this in terms of ammunition.  I wouldn't have a
> clue (no surprise there :) ), but a couple of my players who know a bit more
> about such things in real life informs me that the "armor piercing" effect
> of an explosive would not be decreased, such as it is for AP bullets.
> All help appreciated.
> ---
> Steve Crow
> "Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"
> Check out my website at:  http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/4991/
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David Heth
"Yes I have no life.. I had one once but it got run down and the shocks went