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Re: [HOE] New Miracle proposal

Matt and Teresa Steflik wrote:

> <vast and impressive snppage. hehe>
> So, there you go.  For what it's worth, I hope it makes sense and helps
> a little.
> Matt Steflik
> Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik/
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Yeah what he said. :)

    Although in the cases of Microwave and other 'opposed' powers the first
rolls (the Faith vs Faith one) could be made against a flat TN of 5 to
determine if it is absorbed or deflected or whatever, by the Arcane
shield.  If the shield fails then proceed as normal.
    I do agree that the shield should cost whatever the cost of the
attacking power is.  That makes sense.
    For real fun I would say that it can not be used to reflect a hit back
at a target with any degree of accuracy, with a raise or not.
    Instead just for fun (hehe) roll a d12 for a direction from the
targeted Doomie and 2D20 (open) for the yards scattered. That way a power
bounces off and zooms away and may have a chance with the innocent
bystander rules of catching a bad guy. (or Good guys)   This may be clunky
and slower, and in all honesty not work but it would be fun to watch powers
ricocheting randomly off the Doomie. Hey.. he's safe right? What are all
you griping about! :)
David Heth
"Should you all really be standing that close together?"