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Re: [HOE] Which Dime Novel?

<< I'm going to introduce a group of my friends who play Weird West to the
 Magical, Happy Land of Hell on Earth (hehe).  So, here's my questions... 
 1) Which of the HoE Dime Novels is the best from an adventure standpoint?
 2) Which of them represents best all that is HoE?
 I've got a few HoE veterans, but I want to give the newbies the right
 impression of the setting.  Thanks in advance.
 -Evil Marshal Mayfield >>

Well, I've run Leftovers, Killer Clowns, and Infestations. As adventures, I 
think all of them work pretty well. The problem is that... Well, they're all 
pretty damn fatal. Leftovers has a... Hmm... Spoiler space may be needed.

And so... The spoiler space!

Leftovers has a servitor. Killer Clowns was written by John Goff. And when I 
ran Infestations, the bad guy at the end ate all the characters. Every last 
one. It was shameful. So, really, if you're running a first adventure, you're 
looking at a situation where most of the posse won't survive. Of course, 
there are ways to work around that. Re-tool the adventure, let the posse 
start out pretty powerful, be lenient, whatever.

Now, as for which bests represents Hell on Earth... Well, Infestations is out 
in the wilderness and stuff, and the posse spends a pretty good amount of 
time in what at least appears to be a nice cozy house. So that's out. Killer 
Clowns takes place at an old amusement park, not really PART of the West, but 
it has the mood of Hell on Earth down perfectly. Leftovers is pretty good, 
having a nice stereotypical town, and even a little interaction with some 
muties. I guess it really comes down to whatever you're going for, though I'd 
have to recommend Killer Clowns, simply for sadism factor and the sheer 
coolness of the amusement park.

- The Venerable Lord