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[HOE] The Librarian's Almanac for July 31st

A small posse left the town of Wendover Nevada and headed north on a
salavage expedition. Sketchy reports are that they have located a pre-war
amusement park (Six Flags Over Nevada) and are exploring it. However they
have not been sighted in several days, so what has become of them and the
exact location/condition of the park is unknown. Also as the group was
very secretive about their route and they have not been heard from yet, it
is unknown where these rumors are originating from.

Submitted by Boojum & Quark, Junkers Esq.

Scouts from New Orleans are reporting a beached cruise liner in the lower
reaches of the Greater Louisiana swamps. No one can say how it got there, in
such shallow swamp mud. The scouts are looking for a number of technical and
mechanically inclined folks to get past the bizarre and incredibly complex
system of locks on all the lower bulkhead doors.

 A caravan owner needs some guards who can think fast and shoot straight to
get a small set of boxes to Doc Schwartz up in Junkyard. He wants to leave
real quiet like before anyone gets wind of the seven state of the art
computer cores that he plundered from somewhere. The volunteers needs to get
him and his high tech prize all the way to Junkyard dodging whatever lies in
their path, as well as the mightily upset Mexican Warlord that he liberated
them from. El Sangre Dio, the Blood God, has no patience for those who would
steal his holy CPUs.

Robin Lansing, a renowned Librarian arrives with a story of an outbreak of
crippling nightmares among the townies living at the old Mesilla Fort. One
Templar is rumored to be heading down to investigate. Would the posse be
interested as well?

Bedraggled and wounded folks arrive; full of stories of the multi-story, six
legged armored mechanical monstrosity that flattened the town of Far
Houston. There are conflicting reports of the use of cannon fire,
flame-throwers and missiles in its rampage through the small community.
There are also whispers that the walker was laughing at the plight of the
refugees but seemed to have no interest in following those who fled. What is
the mystery of the destruction of Far Houston, and what does the
supernatural machine intend to do now?

Eleven days until the Great Piligrimage!