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[HOE] Re:(HOE) Quick pole: How old are you?

Oh you guys are makin' me feel old. I'm 26 and live in Chun-Chon, Korea.  
Goin' on my 17th year in RPGs.  I remember playing "KEEP ON THE 
BORDERLANDS," (but I thought it was a green book.)  I can also remember some 
o' the other classics like "RuneQuest" and "Stormbringer." Sigh...don't make 
games like that anymore do they?  Sure is lucky we got DL and HOE ain't it? 

"Storyline?!? We don't need no stinkin' storyline! (Just give us a 

>Blue Box?  Dude, my mommy had the pink box.  You all remember the >pink 
>box, don't you?  You don't?!  I'll give you a hint......"KEEP ON >THE 
>BORDERLANDS!"  Heck, I still have it, TSR didn't get >sophisticated with 
>that blue box, for another four years later.  I'm >so glad I started gaming 
>years after the nightmare that was a world >without 4 and 20 sided dice.  
>Praise the new age!
>And as long as we are at it; I enjoy hiking, biking, climbing, dance, >and 
>oddly enough......dun dun DUN!!!.....ROLE-PLAYING!!!  Oh yeah, >and I dig 
>chicks.  :)
>>                       Jason Adkins

>28 (29 in January), Indianapolis, been gaming since I was 5, started
>with the good, old, blue box of Dungeons & Dragons...it didn't even come
>with dice, you had to cut out numbered chits (thats counters for you
>young 'uns ;) and draw them from a cup.  Imagine the horror of having to
>pull out 5-20 just to 'roll' 1d4!
>Oh...and I like long, moonlight walks, soft romantic candlelight
>dinners, and my women to be fast, smart, and strong.  Heh. ;)
>Sean "Bad Mojo" Gore
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