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[HOE] Re:Quick Poll: How Old Are You?

I'm turned 25 at the end of August, I started playing at eleven and I think
I'm one of the few who didn't start on D&D, I badgered my mom into buying
the Marvel Super Heroes game for my 10th birthday, it confounded me for a
bit it wasn't what I expected but it was the best stupid childish mistake I
ever made, I never played that game but was involved in playing D&D and
other similar games within a year. I'm from Birmingham in England, I used to
lurk on this list about a year ago while a student, I've just got access to
e-mail on a regular basis again so I've spent the last month reading the
archives for the last month to get up to speed, your still the same bunch of
zombie lovin' weirdoes you were, I've missed you guys.

"Stubby" Stu Fletcher.