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Re: [HOE] Apocalypse Now! thoughts?

On Fri, 6 Oct 2000, Bryce wrote:

> Spoilers for Apocalypse Now!
> T
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> m
> p
> l
> e
> r
> s
> a
> r
> e
> t
> h
> e
> b
> e
> s
> t
> and you all know it!  Okay, now the topic at hand..
> What are your all thoughts on this adventure in the Radiation (GM) Screen? When I first read it I was blown away.  It came across as a potentially extremely good adventure.  I immediately saw the first part as a kind or SWAT scenario, with the players moving through the town avoiding confrontation with the Black Hats until the final scene at the school.  Then the final part of the adventure could be a bit like aliens.. I even had the background music all ready.  Then the players entered... Two templers and a couple of lawdogs. They survived the town... just... the hostages didn't!!!  Then they finally get killed by a couple of those Chop-bots, the small scavenger automations.  They didn't even get to see a single wormling.  And I tried to keep them alive, I even removed the body armour from the Black Hats.  But I learnt, oh did I learn...
> What are your thoughts to Apocalypse Now as a beginning adventure?  Too tough?  I've come to realise that Deadlands (this was my first time with the system) is a very, very deadly system.  And Black Hats are tough hombres.  I was personally surprised, but the numbers and the kelver vest did take their toll.  It was sheer luck that the Templers kept the group going for as long as they did.  Is it too tough for beginning players, or were my players's characters simply to weak.  Should I encourage more arcane background types (I personally am a bit hesitant to allow Doomsayers, I feel that they inhibit the characters ability to interact with other survivors, unless played well.  But, with nuke and the other abilities, they are a powergamers dream character choice.  I'm sure their balanced character choices, what with strain and all that, but that still won't prevent a powerhungry player choosing them, then annoying the heck out of everyone else by either always preaching over the top, or playing a non-practicing Doomsayer, that is, a Doomsayer in name and power only, not in character.)  Oops, sorry about the rant...

Hmm.  I used it as my second adventure (the shape of things to come as the
first, wonderfull with the posse sneaking throught the old complex,
jumping at every clack from the pipes..

I found it a combat adventure, not a roleplaying one, I didnt think there
was much scope for roleplaying in it, just shooting things, and my players
got a bit tired of killing one more thing...
The contrast with urban renewal, which was both roleplaying and combat is
kinda stark, I thought.

John Constable BSc (Hons)   Systems Administrator
Cambridge Small Business Systems Ltd - john@csbsl.co.uk
Tel: 07050 378706     Fax: 08700 526557  http://www.csbsl.co.uk
home email: jconstable@pobox.com