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Re: [HOE] adventure wrapups, protocol/etiquette of posting?

personally, i suggest/prefer about 24 lines.  Pushes most of the text off
the screen.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dirk" <darklord@dark-sky.net>
To: <hoe@gamerz.net>
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2001 9:22 PM
Subject: Re: [HOE] adventure wrapups, protocol/etiquette of posting?

> Post is, just put in the subject Hell or High Water spoilers, players do
> not read... or something to that effect., then have 5-8 blank lines
> before you start typing.  That gives people ample time to not read what
> they are not supposed to.
> --D
> Matt Crawford wrote:
> >
> > What's an acceptable way to share the story?  Just posting it could
> > obviously be a total spoiler for any player (or potential player) who
> > hasn't been through it yet.  And there it would sit in the archives
> > on the web for a long time.  If it were an adventure of my own
> > devising it would matter less.  (And with all the bailing wire and
> > band aids I had to stretch and patch the story line with, it actually
> > was maybe 25% original.  Not bad for a first-time Marshal, eh?)
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