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Re: [HOE] Hucksters in the HOE Setting.

"Generally, Wasted West ABs are much better than Weird West ABs."

      Ouch!  He said Better!!!  If you are talking about more able to slag 
the mutie coming up around the bend weilding a club.....yeah, they are 
better.  However, my gang and I still see the virtue of a well placed hex, 
or a desperately grasped for favor.  The taste and flavor of a traditional 
shaman, or an archaic gamblin' hexslinger, still has more appeal for some 
people, than a three eyed three horned purple nuke slinger, or a bald 
enbittered soldier.  Enough ranting.  I just want to make it clear that 
Weird West AB's still have their place in my Wasted West.  They are not as 
"blow up hover tanks with ease" as the Weird West, but I ain't seen a power 
that lets you skin shift into a raven, in any Toxic Green book, you dig?  :) 
  Anyway, just had to toss in my two pence.

                       Jason Adkins

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