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[HOE] Introduction and Law Dogs question

Hi all,

First off, I just recently joined the list, and I wanted to introduce
myself.  Yes, my name is Clint Black, and I did not roll it randomly on the
Deadlands name generator.  ;)

I've been playing HOE since it first came out in the early 80's and before
that Deadlands since the late 60's.  Of course originally, we had to carve
our own dice, and we didn't have character sheets.  You had to write all
your stats on your hand, and if you took a bath your character was dead, no
coming back harrowed either.  Now, everyone that believed even part of this
paragraph go get the green pieces of paper from daddy's wallet and mail them
to me.  ;)

Seriously, I've been gaming for years.  Recently, Pinnacle surprised and
honored me by putting my article on Librarians on their website.  In a way,
this was the second time I worked with Shane.  My first published article
was in an issue of "White Wolf" years ago, where Shane had done a review of
GURPS Espionage.  This was infinitely more rewarding.

Anyway, it's a pleasure to be on this list.  When they say the Deadlands
lists are a cut above any other, they ain't just whistlin' Dixie.

Now, on to the question, there was some discussion about Law Dogs when I
first got on.  What does everyone think?  Did they get the short end of the
stick?  Are they even worth playing if you don't take an AB with it too?
Are you interested in seeing Law Dogs expanded out as a "mundane"

I ask because I'm looking for my next piece to work on.  This really seems
to have potential.  FYI, I tend to be a sucker for the 'less often
played/not quite balanced against the others' character types.

