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Re: [HOE] Running the perfect HOE-Campaign

> We got to HoE and things were nuts, we had a syker, a doomie, a
> greenie-syker, companion with a gadget, etc. The power level was not only
> very different from Deadlands, but very different from player to player.
> This lead to a lot of problems. The doomie could basically kick anythings
> ass between Molecular Cohesion (lets you make a faith roll to IGNORE
> wounds) and MIRV (lets you fire off 5 atomic blasts at once). Meanwhile
> the greenie-syker could only use her shotgun (a good gun, but on a much
> different level) and the templar was running around with a 9mm pistol
> (what's the point) while the syker has an assault rifle and 200 rounds of
> ammo.

    In defense of the campaign, it was never the sykers in the group that
bothered me, just the Doomsayer (that particular player has a touch of the
munchkin in him ;-). However, a syker is just as open to power gaming as a
Doomie, so you have to be careful.

My best suggestion would be sit down with the group and talk
> about how they view the Hell on Earth world. Is it going to be like Road
> Warrior? Shadowrun? The Postman?
> Then set limits based on that.

    Another thing you could do is tell the group that you're going to run a
mini-campaign first to give everyone a taste of the setting.  Monitor their
character creation  to where they have characters the both of you can live
with (I defy anyone who says the Marshal's sole reason for running a game is
to entertain the players; it's a two-way street) amd have at it.  After the
mini campaign (maybe 1-3 sessions), assuming it worked out as you intended,
give them to option of making a new character or continuing with the current
one.  For those who make up new characters you might want to give them a
couple extra points to keep them on par with the characters that are
staying, but it shouldn't be much.